Shops promoting the natural feeling
La Vida fashion is not only available in the internet, but also in numerous shops in Germany, France, Monaco, Switzerland and Belgium.You can find La Vida fashion on these pages or at various trade shows, but also in numerous partner shops. Maybe there is one in your vicinity?

Germany | France | Monaco | Spain | Great Britain | Italy | Senegal
7, rue St. Antoine
06400 Cannes
Phone: +33 4 92593701
Fax: +33 4 92593701

Marine Equipement
11, place aux huiles
13001 Marseille
Phone: +33 4 91333941
Fax : +33 4 91549699

1, rue de l´ancien Moulin
17113 Plordonnier
Phone: +33 5 46392662
2, allée commercante
22650 Ploubalay
Phone: +33 2 96273225

Via Maris
19, place Hoche
56170 Quiberon
Phone: +33 2 97295295
Fax : +33 2 97295293

9, place de l´église
85100 Les Sables d´Olonne
1, place Saint Louis
85330 Noirmoutier
Phone: +33 2 28114233
Fax: +33 2 28129196